17 Introduction to SQL with dbplyr


  • explain what a database is, how it is different from a data set, and why you might use a database.
  • use the dbplyr to translate R code with dplyr to SQL queries on database tables.
  • draw parallels between dplyr functions and the syntax used in SQL.

All of the dplyr functions we’ve used (both the ones from early in the semester and from the xxxx_join() family more recently) have corresponding components in SQL. SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is a very common language used with databases. Compared to dplyr, in general, SQL code is much harder to read, as SQL isn’t designed specifically for data analysis like dplyr is. In this section, we will introduce databases and give a brief introduction to SQL for analyzing data from a database.

17.1 What is a Database

The R for Data Science textbook defines a database as “a collection of data frames,” each called a database table. There a few key differences between a data frame (what we’ve been using the entire semester) and a database table. They are summarised from R for Data Science here as:

  • a database table can be larger and is stored on disk while a data frame is stored in memory so their size is more limited.
  • a database table usually indices while data frames do not.
  • many , but not all, data base tables are “row-oriented” while tidy data frames are “column-oriented.”

Databases are run through Database Management Systems. The R for Data Science textbook divides Database Management Systems into 3 types:

  • client-server like PostgreSQL and SQL Server
  • Cloud-based like Amazon’s Redshift
  • In-process like SQLite

We won’t really discuss these any further, but an advanced course in database systems through the CS department would give more information about Database Management Systems (and databases in general).

How to connect to a database from R depends on the type of database management system. There is an R package for most major Database Management Systems. For our purposes, because how to connect to a Database management system depends so heavily on the type, we will focus on a database management system that is contained in the R package duckdb.

We also need a database interface to connect to the database tables in duckdb in the DBI package.

Note: This section on connecting to a database management systems may be confusing, particularly if you do not have a computer science background. But don’t let that derail your learning for this rest of this chapter, which will consist of primarily of R code from here on! The take-home message is that we need a way to connect to the system within R. It’s challenging to give specific directions because the connection depends on the type of system, so we are avoiding most of that by connecting to a database management system in the duckdb R package using functions from the DBI package.

https://r4ds.hadley.nz/databases.html SQL is short from Structured Query Language. We first load in the duckdb and DBI libraries and make a connection to the database management system, which we will name con:

con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb())

We can type in con to see what it stores:

#> <duckdb_connection 9f440 driver=<duckdb_driver c84d0 dbdir=':memory:' read_only=FALSE>>

We’ve created a brand-new database, so we can next add some data tables with the duckdb_read_csv() function. Compared to read_csv() from the readr package, duckdb_read_csv() has a couple of extra arguments: a conn argument giving the database management connection and a name argument giving the name that we want to give to the data table:

#> here() starts at /Users/highamm/Desktop/datascience234
duckdb_read_csv(conn = con, name = "tennis2018", 
                files = here("data/atp_matches_2018.csv"))
duckdb_read_csv(conn = con, name = "tennis2019", 
                files = here("data/atp_matches_2019.csv"))

The doListTables() function lists the names of the data tables in the database we just created:

#> [1] "tennis2018" "tennis2019"

And, dbExistsTable() can be used to examine whether or not a data table exists in the current database:

dbExistsTable(con, "tennis2019")
#> [1] TRUE
dbExistsTable(con, "tennis2020")
#> [1] FALSE

Note that, in many practical situations, the data tables will already exist in the database you are working with, so the step of duckdb_read_csv() would not be necessary.

To use raw SQL code and query the database that we just created, we can create a string of SQL code, name it sql, and pass it to the dbGetQuery() function. We also load in the tidyverse package here to use the as_tibble() function to convert the data.frame to a tibble.

#> ── Attaching packages ─────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ──
#> ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6     ✔ purrr   0.3.4
#> ✔ tibble  3.1.8     ✔ dplyr   1.0.9
#> ✔ tidyr   1.2.0     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
#> ✔ readr   2.1.2     ✔ forcats 0.5.1
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#> ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#> ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

sql <- "
  SELECT surface, winner_name, loser_name, w_ace, l_ace, minutes
  FROM tennis2019 
  WHERE minutes > 240
dbGetQuery(con, sql)|>
#> # A tibble: 30 × 6
#>    surface winner_name           loser…¹ w_ace l_ace minutes
#>    <chr>   <chr>                 <chr>   <int> <int>   <int>
#>  1 Hard    Joao Sousa            Guido …    19    18     241
#>  2 Hard    Jeremy Chardy         Ugo Hu…    29    20     244
#>  3 Hard    Roberto Bautista Agut Andy M…     7    19     249
#>  4 Hard    Joao Sousa            Philip…    28    20     258
#>  5 Hard    Alex Bolt             Gilles…    11    14     244
#>  6 Hard    Milos Raonic          Stan W…    39    28     241
#>  7 Hard    Marin Cilic           Fernan…     8    27     258
#>  8 Hard    Kei Nishikori         Pablo …    15     5     305
#>  9 Hard    Frances Tiafoe        David …     3    11     244
#> 10 Clay    Alexander Zverev      John M…    17     0     248
#> # … with 20 more rows, and abbreviated variable name
#> #   ¹​loser_name

17.1.1 Exercises

Exercises marked with an * indicate that the exercise has a solution at the end of the chapter at 17.5.

  1. * Though we do not know SQL code, we can probably figure out what the code above is doing. Which matches are being returned from our query?

  2. What is the dplyr equivalent function to WHERE in the SQL code above? What is the dplyr equivalent function to SELECT in the SQL code above?

17.2 dbplyr: A Database Version of dplyr

dbplyr is a package that will allow us to continue to write dplyr-style code to query databases instead of writing native SQL, as in the code-chunk above.

We begin by loading in the package and creating a database table object with the tbl() function. In this case, we create a database table with the tennis2019 data and name it tennis_db:

#> Attaching package: 'dbplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     ident, sql
tennis_db <- tbl(con, "tennis2019")
#> # Source:   table<tennis2019> [?? x 49]
#> # Database: DuckDB 0.3.5-dev1410 [root@Darwin 21.6.0:R 4.2.1/:memory:]
#>    tourney…¹ tourn…² surface draw_…³ tourn…⁴ tourn…⁵ match…⁶
#>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <int> <chr>     <int>   <int>
#>  1 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     300
#>  2 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     299
#>  3 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     298
#>  4 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     297
#>  5 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     296
#>  6 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     295
#>  7 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     294
#>  8 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     293
#>  9 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     292
#> 10 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     291
#> # … with more rows, 42 more variables: winner_id <int>,
#> #   winner_seed <chr>, winner_entry <chr>,
#> #   winner_name <chr>, winner_hand <chr>, winner_ht <int>,
#> #   winner_ioc <chr>, winner_age <dbl>, loser_id <int>,
#> #   loser_seed <chr>, loser_entry <chr>, loser_name <chr>,
#> #   loser_hand <chr>, loser_ht <int>, loser_ioc <chr>,
#> #   loser_age <dbl>, score <chr>, best_of <int>, …

Examine the print for tennis_db, which should look similar to the print for a tibble or data.frame. Let’s use some dplyr code to obtain only the matches that lasted longer than 240 minutes and keep only a few of the columns. We will name the result tennis_query1:

tennis_query1 <- tennis_db |> 
  filter(minutes > 240) |> 
  select(minutes, winner_name, loser_name, minutes, tourney_name)
#> # Source:   SQL [?? x 4]
#> # Database: DuckDB 0.3.5-dev1410 [root@Darwin 21.6.0:R 4.2.1/:memory:]
#>    minutes winner_name           loser_name          tourn…¹
#>      <int> <chr>                 <chr>               <chr>  
#>  1     241 Joao Sousa            Guido Pella         Austra…
#>  2     244 Jeremy Chardy         Ugo Humbert         Austra…
#>  3     249 Roberto Bautista Agut Andy Murray         Austra…
#>  4     258 Joao Sousa            Philipp Kohlschrei… Austra…
#>  5     244 Alex Bolt             Gilles Simon        Austra…
#>  6     241 Milos Raonic          Stan Wawrinka       Austra…
#>  7     258 Marin Cilic           Fernando Verdasco   Austra…
#>  8     305 Kei Nishikori         Pablo Carreno Busta Austra…
#>  9     244 Frances Tiafoe        David Goffin        Miami …
#> 10     248 Alexander Zverev      John Millman        Roland…
#> # … with more rows, and abbreviated variable name
#> #   ¹​tourney_name

We should note that the result is still a database object: it’s not our “usual” tibble. One major difference between the database object and the usual tibble is that our tennis_query1 does not tell us how many rows are in the data (see the ?? and the specification with more rows). The code that we wrote is not actually looking in the entire data set for matches that are longer than 240 minutes: it is saving time by only performing our query on part of the database table. This is very useful behaviour for database tables that are very, very large, where code might take a long time to run.

If we want to obtain the result of our query as a tibble, we can use the collect() function:

tennis_query1 |>
#> # A tibble: 30 × 4
#>    minutes winner_name           loser_name          tourn…¹
#>      <int> <chr>                 <chr>               <chr>  
#>  1     241 Joao Sousa            Guido Pella         Austra…
#>  2     244 Jeremy Chardy         Ugo Humbert         Austra…
#>  3     249 Roberto Bautista Agut Andy Murray         Austra…
#>  4     258 Joao Sousa            Philipp Kohlschrei… Austra…
#>  5     244 Alex Bolt             Gilles Simon        Austra…
#>  6     241 Milos Raonic          Stan Wawrinka       Austra…
#>  7     258 Marin Cilic           Fernando Verdasco   Austra…
#>  8     305 Kei Nishikori         Pablo Carreno Busta Austra…
#>  9     244 Frances Tiafoe        David Goffin        Miami …
#> 10     248 Alexander Zverev      John Millman        Roland…
#> # … with 20 more rows, and abbreviated variable name
#> #   ¹​tourney_name

The result is a tibble that we can now use any R functions on (not just functions from dplyr and a few other packages).

The show_query() function can be used on our tennis_query1 to give the SQL code that was executed:

tennis_query1 |>
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT "minutes", "winner_name", "loser_name", "tourney_name"
#> FROM "tennis2019"
#> WHERE ("minutes" > 240.0)

To get a better idea about what SQL code looks like, let’s make one more query with dplyr code and use the show_query() function to give the native SQL:

medvedev_query <- tennis_db |>
  pivot_longer(c(winner_name, loser_name), names_to = "win_loss",
               values_to = "player") |>
  filter(player == "Daniil Medvedev") |>
  group_by(win_loss) |>
  summarise(win_loss_count = n())
#> # Source:   SQL [2 x 2]
#> # Database: DuckDB 0.3.5-dev1410 [root@Darwin 21.6.0:R 4.2.1/:memory:]
#>   win_loss    win_loss_count
#>   <chr>                <dbl>
#> 1 winner_name             59
#> 2 loser_name              21
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT "win_loss", COUNT(*) AS "win_loss_count"
#> FROM (
#>   (
#>     SELECT
#>       "tourney_id",
#>       "tourney_name",
#>       "surface",
#>       "draw_size",
#>       "tourney_level",
#>       "tourney_date",
#>       "match_num",
#>       "winner_id",
#>       "winner_seed",
#>       "winner_entry",
#>       "winner_hand",
#>       "winner_ht",
#>       "winner_ioc",
#>       "winner_age",
#>       "loser_id",
#>       "loser_seed",
#>       "loser_entry",
#>       "loser_hand",
#>       "loser_ht",
#>       "loser_ioc",
#>       "loser_age",
#>       "score",
#>       "best_of",
#>       "round",
#>       "minutes",
#>       "w_ace",
#>       "w_df",
#>       "w_svpt",
#>       "w_1stIn",
#>       "w_1stWon",
#>       "w_2ndWon",
#>       "w_SvGms",
#>       "w_bpSaved",
#>       "w_bpFaced",
#>       "l_ace",
#>       "l_df",
#>       "l_svpt",
#>       "l_1stIn",
#>       "l_1stWon",
#>       "l_2ndWon",
#>       "l_SvGms",
#>       "l_bpSaved",
#>       "l_bpFaced",
#>       "winner_rank",
#>       "winner_rank_points",
#>       "loser_rank",
#>       "loser_rank_points",
#>       'winner_name' AS "win_loss",
#>       "winner_name" AS "player"
#>     FROM "tennis2019"
#>   )
#>   (
#>     SELECT
#>       "tourney_id",
#>       "tourney_name",
#>       "surface",
#>       "draw_size",
#>       "tourney_level",
#>       "tourney_date",
#>       "match_num",
#>       "winner_id",
#>       "winner_seed",
#>       "winner_entry",
#>       "winner_hand",
#>       "winner_ht",
#>       "winner_ioc",
#>       "winner_age",
#>       "loser_id",
#>       "loser_seed",
#>       "loser_entry",
#>       "loser_hand",
#>       "loser_ht",
#>       "loser_ioc",
#>       "loser_age",
#>       "score",
#>       "best_of",
#>       "round",
#>       "minutes",
#>       "w_ace",
#>       "w_df",
#>       "w_svpt",
#>       "w_1stIn",
#>       "w_1stWon",
#>       "w_2ndWon",
#>       "w_SvGms",
#>       "w_bpSaved",
#>       "w_bpFaced",
#>       "l_ace",
#>       "l_df",
#>       "l_svpt",
#>       "l_1stIn",
#>       "l_1stWon",
#>       "l_2ndWon",
#>       "l_SvGms",
#>       "l_bpSaved",
#>       "l_bpFaced",
#>       "winner_rank",
#>       "winner_rank_points",
#>       "loser_rank",
#>       "loser_rank_points",
#>       'loser_name' AS "win_loss",
#>       "loser_name" AS "player"
#>     FROM "tennis2019"
#>   )
#> ) "q01"
#> WHERE ("player" = 'Daniil Medvedev')
#> GROUP BY "win_loss"

The show_query() shows the native SQL code for a pivot: yikes! Remember that SQL was not designed for data analysis, so it doesn’t always look pretty. We’ll do one more simpler query:

over20aces <- tennis_db |> filter(w_ace > 20) |>
  select(w_ace, winner_name) |>
  group_by(winner_name) |>
  summarise(nmatch = n()) |>
#> # Source:     SQL [?? x 2]
#> # Database:   DuckDB 0.3.5-dev1410 [root@Darwin 21.6.0:R 4.2.1/:memory:]
#> # Ordered by: desc(nmatch)
#>    winner_name        nmatch
#>    <chr>               <dbl>
#>  1 John Isner             15
#>  2 Reilly Opelka          14
#>  3 Milos Raonic           10
#>  4 Sam Querrey             9
#>  5 Nick Kyrgios            8
#>  6 Alexander Bublik        7
#>  7 Ivo Karlovic            6
#>  8 Jan Lennard Struff      4
#>  9 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga      4
#> 10 Alexander Zverev        4
#> # … with more rows

over20aces |> show_query()
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT "winner_name", COUNT(*) AS "nmatch"
#> FROM (
#>   SELECT "w_ace", "winner_name"
#>   FROM "tennis2019"
#>   WHERE ("w_ace" > 20.0)
#> ) "q01"
#> GROUP BY "winner_name"
#> ORDER BY "nmatch" DESC

Can you match some of the SQL code with the corresponding dplyr functions used?

17.2.1 Exercises

Exercises marked with an * indicate that the exercise has a solution at the end of the chapter at 17.5.

  1. * Obtain the distribution of the surface variable by making a table of the total number of matches played on each surface in the 2019 season using dplyr functions on tennis_db. Then, use show_query() to show the corresponding SQL code.

  2. Create a new variable that is the difference in the winner_rank_points and loser_rank_points using a dplyr function. Then, have your query return only the column you just created, the winner_name column, and the loser_name column. Use the show_query() function to show the corresponding SQL code.

  3. Perform a query of your choosing on tennis_db and use the show_query() function to show the corresponding SQL code.

17.3 SQL

The purpose of this section is to explore SQL syntax a little more, focusing on its connections to dplyr. Knowing dplyr is quite helpful in learning this SQL syntax because, while the syntax differs, the concepts are quite similar. Much of the text in this section is paraphrased from the R for Data Science textbook.

There are five core components of an SQL query. The two most basic are a SELECT statement (similar to select(), and, as discussed below, mutate() and summarise()) and a FROM statement (similar to the data argument). Using the show_query() function directly on tennis_db shows an SQL query that SELECTs all columns (denoted by the *), FROM the tennis2019 database.

tennis_db |> show_query()
#> <SQL>
#> FROM "tennis2019"

The WHERE and ORDER BY statements control which rows are returned (similar to filter()) and in what order those rows get returned (similar to arrange()):

tennis_db |> filter(winner_hand == "L") |>
  arrange(desc(tourney_date)) |>
#> <SQL>
#> FROM "tennis2019"
#> WHERE ("winner_hand" = 'L')
#> ORDER BY "tourney_date" DESC

Finally, GROUP BY is used for aggregation (similar to the dplyr group_by() and summarise() combination).

tennis_db |>
  group_by(winner_name) |>
  summarise(meanace = mean(w_ace, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT "winner_name", AVG("w_ace") AS "meanace"
#> FROM "tennis2019"
#> GROUP BY "winner_name"

In the above code chunk, remove the na.rm = TRUE argument and run the query. What do you learn?

The SQL syntax must always follow the order SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, even though the operations can be performed in a different order than what is specified. This is one aspect that makes SQL harder to pick up than something like dplyr, where we specify what we want done in the order that we want.

Below we give a little more detail about the 5 operations.

SELECT: SELECT covers a lot of dplyr functions. In the code below, we explore how it is used in SQL to choose which columns get returned, rename columns, and create new variables:

  • SELECT to choose which columns to return:
tennis_db |> select(1:4) |> show_query()
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT "tourney_id", "tourney_name", "surface", "draw_size"
#> FROM "tennis2019"
  • SELECT to rename columns:
tennis_db |> rename(tournament = tourney_name) |>
#> <SQL>
#>   "tourney_id",
#>   "tourney_name" AS "tournament",
#>   "surface",
#>   "draw_size",
#>   "tourney_level",
#>   "tourney_date",
#>   "match_num",
#>   "winner_id",
#>   "winner_seed",
#>   "winner_entry",
#>   "winner_name",
#>   "winner_hand",
#>   "winner_ht",
#>   "winner_ioc",
#>   "winner_age",
#>   "loser_id",
#>   "loser_seed",
#>   "loser_entry",
#>   "loser_name",
#>   "loser_hand",
#>   "loser_ht",
#>   "loser_ioc",
#>   "loser_age",
#>   "score",
#>   "best_of",
#>   "round",
#>   "minutes",
#>   "w_ace",
#>   "w_df",
#>   "w_svpt",
#>   "w_1stIn",
#>   "w_1stWon",
#>   "w_2ndWon",
#>   "w_SvGms",
#>   "w_bpSaved",
#>   "w_bpFaced",
#>   "l_ace",
#>   "l_df",
#>   "l_svpt",
#>   "l_1stIn",
#>   "l_1stWon",
#>   "l_2ndWon",
#>   "l_SvGms",
#>   "l_bpSaved",
#>   "l_bpFaced",
#>   "winner_rank",
#>   "winner_rank_points",
#>   "loser_rank",
#>   "loser_rank_points"
#> FROM "tennis2019"
  • SELECT to create a new variable
tennis_db |> mutate(prop_first_won = w_1stIn / w_1stWon) |>
  select(prop_first_won, winner_name) |>
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT "w_1stIn" / "w_1stWon" AS "prop_first_won", "winner_name"
#> FROM "tennis2019"
  • SELECT to create a new variable that is a summary:
tennis_db |> summarise(mean_length = mean(minutes)) |>
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT AVG("minutes") AS "mean_length"
#> FROM "tennis2019"

GROUP BY: GROUP BY covers aggregation in a similar way as dplyr’s group_by() function:

tennis_db |> group_by(winner_name) |>
  summarise(meanlength = mean(minutes)) |>
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT "winner_name", AVG("minutes") AS "meanlength"
#> FROM "tennis2019"
#> GROUP BY "winner_name"

WHERE: WHERE is used for filter(), though SQL uses different Boolean operators than R (for example, & becomes AND, | becomes or).

tennis_db |> filter(winner_age > 35 | loser_age > 35) |>
#> <SQL>
#> FROM "tennis2019"
#> WHERE ("winner_age" > 35.0 OR "loser_age" > 35.0)

ORDER BY: ORDER BY is used for arrange(). This one is quite straightforward:

tennis_db |> arrange(desc(winner_rank_points)) |>
#> <SQL>
#> FROM "tennis2019"
#> ORDER BY "winner_rank_points" DESC

SQL also has corresponding syntax for the xxxx_join() family of functions, but we do not have time to discuss this in detail. Note that we have really just scratched the surface of SQL. There are entire courses devoted to learning SQL syntax and more about databases in general. If you ever do find yourself in a situation where you need to learn SQL, either for a course or for a job, you should have a major head-start with your dplyr knowledge!

17.3.1 Exercises

Exercises marked with an * indicate that the exercise has a solution at the end of the chapter at 17.5.

In much of this section, we have created code with dplyr and seen how that code translates to SQL. In these exercises, you will intead be given SQL code and asked to write dplyr code that achieves the same thing.

  1. * Examine the SQL code below and write equivalent dplyr code.
FROM "tennis2019"
WHERE ("tourney_name" = 'Wimbledon')
  1. Examine the SQL code below and write equivalent dplyr code.
SELECT "winner_name", "loser_name", "w_ace", "l_ace", "w_ace" - "l_ace" AS "ace_diff"
FROM "tennis2019"
ORDER BY "ace_diff" DESC
  1. Examine the SQL code below and write equivalent dplyr code.
SELECT "tourney_name", AVG("minutes") AS "mean_min"
FROM "tennis2019"
GROUP BY "tourney_name"

17.4 Chapter Exercises

Exercises marked with an * indicate that the exercise has a solution at the end of the chapter at 17.5.

  1. Run the following code:
tennis_db |> slice(1000:1005) |>

Make a hypothesis about why a function like slice() is not compatible with dbplyr.

  1. * Try to run a function from lubridate or forcats on tennis_db with mutate(). Does the function work? Did you expect it to work?

  2. Run the following code and write how the ! is translated to SQL.

tennis_db |> filter(winner_name != "Daniil Medvedev") |>
#> <SQL>
#> FROM "tennis2019"
#> WHERE ("winner_name" != 'Daniil Medvedev')
  1. Run the following code and write how the %in% symbol is translated to SQL.
tennis_db |>
  filter(winner_name %in% c("Daniil Medvedev", "Dominic Thiem")) |>
#> <SQL>
#> FROM "tennis2019"
#> WHERE ("winner_name" IN ('Daniil Medvedev', 'Dominic Thiem'))

17.5 Exercise Solutions

17.5.1 What is a Database S

  1. * Though we do not know SQL code, we can probably figure out what the code above is doing. Which matches are being returned from our query?

The code is keeping any matches that are longer than 240 minutes. It is also getting rid of all of the columns except for those specified in SELECT.

17.5.2 dbplyr: A Database Version of dplyr S

  1. * Obtain the distribution of the surface variable by making a table of the total number of matches played on each surface in the 2019 season using dplyr functions on tennis_db. Then, use show_query() to show the corresponding SQL code.
tennis_db |> group_by(surface) |> summarise(nmatch = n())
#> # Source:   SQL [3 x 2]
#> # Database: DuckDB 0.3.5-dev1410 [root@Darwin 21.6.0:R 4.2.1/:memory:]
#>   surface nmatch
#>   <chr>    <dbl>
#> 1 Hard      1626
#> 2 Clay       828
#> 3 Grass      327

tennis_db |> group_by(surface) |> summarise(nmatch = n()) |>
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT "surface", COUNT(*) AS "nmatch"
#> FROM "tennis2019"
#> GROUP BY "surface"

17.5.3 SQL S

  1. * Examine the SQL code below and write equivalent dplyr code.
FROM "tennis2019"
WHERE ("tourney_name" = 'Wimbledon')
tennis_db |>
  filter(tourney_name == "Wimbledon")
#> # Source:   SQL [?? x 49]
#> # Database: DuckDB 0.3.5-dev1410 [root@Darwin 21.6.0:R 4.2.1/:memory:]
#>    tourney…¹ tourn…² surface draw_…³ tourn…⁴ tourn…⁵ match…⁶
#>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <int> <chr>     <int>   <int>
#>  1 2019-540  Wimble… Grass       128 G        2.02e7     100
#>  2 2019-540  Wimble… Grass       128 G        2.02e7     101
#>  3 2019-540  Wimble… Grass       128 G        2.02e7     102
#>  4 2019-540  Wimble… Grass       128 G        2.02e7     103
#>  5 2019-540  Wimble… Grass       128 G        2.02e7     104
#>  6 2019-540  Wimble… Grass       128 G        2.02e7     105
#>  7 2019-540  Wimble… Grass       128 G        2.02e7     106
#>  8 2019-540  Wimble… Grass       128 G        2.02e7     107
#>  9 2019-540  Wimble… Grass       128 G        2.02e7     108
#> 10 2019-540  Wimble… Grass       128 G        2.02e7     109
#> # … with more rows, 42 more variables: winner_id <int>,
#> #   winner_seed <chr>, winner_entry <chr>,
#> #   winner_name <chr>, winner_hand <chr>, winner_ht <int>,
#> #   winner_ioc <chr>, winner_age <dbl>, loser_id <int>,
#> #   loser_seed <chr>, loser_entry <chr>, loser_name <chr>,
#> #   loser_hand <chr>, loser_ht <int>, loser_ioc <chr>,
#> #   loser_age <dbl>, score <chr>, best_of <int>, …

## check query:
tennis_db |>
  filter(tourney_name == "Wimbledon") |>
#> <SQL>
#> FROM "tennis2019"
#> WHERE ("tourney_name" = 'Wimbledon')

17.5.4 Chapter Exercises S

  1. * Try to run a function from lubridate or forcats on tennis_db with mutate(). Does the function work? Did you expect it to work?
tennis_db |> mutate(tourney_name_reorder = fct_reorder(tourney_name, 

The result is an error. Only functions compatible with the dbplyr package can be used on a database table. Functions specific to R, like those in lubridate and forcats cannot work until we collect() the database table into a data frame or tibble:

tennis_db |> collect() |>
  mutate(tourney_name_reorder = fct_reorder(tourney_name, 
#> # A tibble: 2,781 × 50
#>    tourney…¹ tourn…² surface draw_…³ tourn…⁴ tourn…⁵ match…⁶
#>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <int> <chr>     <int>   <int>
#>  1 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     300
#>  2 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     299
#>  3 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     298
#>  4 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     297
#>  5 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     296
#>  6 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     295
#>  7 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     294
#>  8 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     293
#>  9 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     292
#> 10 2019-M020 Brisba… Hard         32 A        2.02e7     291
#> # … with 2,771 more rows, 43 more variables:
#> #   winner_id <int>, winner_seed <chr>, winner_entry <chr>,
#> #   winner_name <chr>, winner_hand <chr>, winner_ht <int>,
#> #   winner_ioc <chr>, winner_age <dbl>, loser_id <int>,
#> #   loser_seed <chr>, loser_entry <chr>, loser_name <chr>,
#> #   loser_hand <chr>, loser_ht <int>, loser_ioc <chr>,
#> #   loser_age <dbl>, score <chr>, best_of <int>, …

17.6 Non-Exercise R Code

con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb())
duckdb_read_csv(conn = con, name = "tennis2018", 
                files = here("data/atp_matches_2018.csv"))
duckdb_read_csv(conn = con, name = "tennis2019", 
                files = here("data/atp_matches_2019.csv"))
dbExistsTable(con, "tennis2019")
dbExistsTable(con, "tennis2020")

sql <- "
  SELECT surface, winner_name, loser_name, w_ace, l_ace, minutes
  FROM tennis2019 
  WHERE minutes > 240
dbGetQuery(con, sql)|>
tennis_db <- tbl(con, "tennis2019")
tennis_query1 <- tennis_db |> 
  filter(minutes > 240) |> 
  select(minutes, winner_name, loser_name, minutes, tourney_name)
tennis_query1 |>
tennis_query1 |>
medvedev_query <- tennis_db |>
  pivot_longer(c(winner_name, loser_name), names_to = "win_loss",
               values_to = "player") |>
  filter(player == "Daniil Medvedev") |>
  group_by(win_loss) |>
  summarise(win_loss_count = n())
over20aces <- tennis_db |> filter(w_ace > 20) |>
  select(w_ace, winner_name) |>
  group_by(winner_name) |>
  summarise(nmatch = n()) |>

over20aces |> show_query()
tennis_db |> show_query()
tennis_db |> filter(winner_hand == "L") |>
  arrange(desc(tourney_date)) |>
tennis_db |>
  group_by(winner_name) |>
  summarise(meanace = mean(w_ace, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
tennis_db |> select(1:4) |> show_query()
tennis_db |> rename(tournament = tourney_name) |>
tennis_db |> mutate(prop_first_won = w_1stIn / w_1stWon) |>
  select(prop_first_won, winner_name) |>
tennis_db |> summarise(mean_length = mean(minutes)) |>
tennis_db |> group_by(winner_name) |>
  summarise(meanlength = mean(minutes)) |>
tennis_db |> filter(winner_age > 35 | loser_age > 35) |>
tennis_db |> arrange(desc(winner_rank_points)) |>